Wanna know what I wish I knew when I first started on my own play based journey?
Sign up below and I’ll send you exactly what I wish I had. A podcast episode to help you recognize where you are on your play based journey and a PDF with tons of ideas to easily start implementing in your learning space!
You can call her Kristen. Or Honey. She will answer to both.
Kristen RB Peterson is the retired founder of a magical place called Butterfly Hill Nature Preschool. In her quest to create a place full of play, learning, nature, emotions, and yes moments, Kristen discovered that play based learning is a MUST for all early childhood environments and is an advocate for play in early childhood.
She is not just a teacher and life long learner... She has four children, loves donuts, reading everything and traveling to new places.
Now a podcaster, keynote speaker, and online entrepreneur, Kristen uses her experience and B.A. in Education with an emphasis in ECE to help early childhood educators find play, settle in, and enjoy the journey through training and digital courses.