The Daily Check-In Guide
99 prompts for 99 days of preschool check-ins!
Watch the video to better understand how Kristen used these prompts in her play-based preschool classroom without interrupting play!

Daily check-ins are a great way to welcome each child into the classroom/environment each day! If done when they come in each day, you won't be interrupting their play later on!

Skill Differentiation
Each of the check-in prompts can be differentiated for different levels of development. These prompts were created for children ages 3-5.

Check for Understanding
Daily check-ins are a fantastic way to check for understanding so you can better see what skills children are learning through their play!

What you will get!
In this guide, you will get all of Kristen's tried and true daily check-ins that she (and the other teachers) used in their preschool classroom every day.
✅Literacy (letter recognition, letter formation, letter sounds, name practice)
✅Math concepts (number recognition, one-to-one correspondence, counting, patterns, colors, shapes, measuring and more)
✅ Fine and Gross Motor Skills (throwing, jumping, balancing, cutting, pinching, rolling, tweezing and more)
✅Questions of the Day (questions like 'how many pockets do you have today?', 'what is your favorite flavor ice cream?') These questions help you to get to know each of your students and are opportunities to graph and ask more or less questions!
After you check-out, you will get an email with the download!